As business people, we focus on what our business is doing – daily. We look at the numbers, we look at the amount of sales, and activity. And we do it to achieve what we regard as success, whatever that means to us.

Most business people like to feel that they are in control of their business, and hence their lives. You take the risks, you put in the hours, the effort, the pain, and sometimes you get some gain.

Why we do what we do

We all do this to fulfil our personal objectives – a measure we take very seriously with clients. We spend time to find out what that really means to people so we can help better, by properly understanding what they are doing it for. We usually help most with the business but we absolutely always keep in mind the overall objectives.

In developing business strategy, we help our clients focus on what really matters to them and what that means in money and other terms.

The ultimate goal

But we can do even more. We can help clients match their business objectives against what they have now in personal wealth, and make sure that the business strategy achieves what they want – by identifying any gaps between what they think the business will achieve, and where they, as individuals and families, want to get to.

We can start with wealth objectives instead of the business, if that fits better with what you need. We aim to rebalance strategy annually, and wealth management at least every 3 years; sooner if it’s getting close to retirement or sale.

There’s no selling pensions or investments or re jigging what you have as we don’t sell financial products. It’s a simple and very useful snapshot and gap analysis of where you are now and where you want to be.

Because aligning objectives is so useful, we are adding it to our client conversations as an integral part of our service. It joins up accounting, day to day predictive forecasting, with your business strategy, and ultimately, wealth strategy – the end result of why you do what you do.