Accountancy and marketing are not usually two words that sit comfortably together.  Marketeers spend money and are ‘creative’, accountants save money (usually) and focus on facts.  But they have a lot more in common than you think.  Good marketing is measurable and produces returns, just like investments.  Here at Hixsons we know that.  

So what we give is a 360 degree service that includes marketing support and guidance. Businesses are short on expertise and resources, and worry that marketing will be money wasted. Clients have told us they need input to show them what works and how to do it.

We’ve listened, and so what we give you are the tools to support your marketing, or can take on elements of it or you. We believe in helping you to help yourself, but we will fill in the gaps where needed.  Whether it’s kickstarting your business, new product development or simply getting in front of the right people at the right time, we can help.

With the right tools (which we have) we quickly get to the root of what a client really needs to see marketing work for them, and find the best way to do it.

Focussing on exactly the kind of marketing your business needs with a straightforward and jargon-free approach achieves results. Investing time with us to take an objective look at how your business is marketed currently, what you are really getting for it and what you could be doing pays real dividends in the future and actually helps you to save money by reaching those customers that really matter.  

And it will be a common sense practical approach, as you would expect from us.

We look at all areas of the marketing mix, put together a comprehensive and practical marketing plan, and importantly help you to achieve it and measure its success. Good marketing is measurable, trackable and flexible. Getting the marketing right is vital for the future of your business. Our support will help you to stop looking at marketing as an expense and start seeing it as a real investment. And it’s easier than you think.

What does this mean for you? Cost effective leads and new customers through targeted marketing. You will know what it costs and what it produces.

And you’ll see that fully rounded business advice naturally includes marketing too.

We’ll help to market your business cost-effectively and measure success. And perhaps get you to start thinking about marketing differently.